
chart 3

Golomel Faul 7.

PLLS Pehle

«suse, idiv, Direotar

Tt. ACTIVATIW. “he Diresterste of “eapons bifecca soste
wae activaved on 1 4ugued 1982 in accorcance with Boadquarters,

A¥Sa?, Seuertai Order liwiter 10, dated 18 July 1982, and “sadquar-

ters, Weld Seemend, ASW? General Order Number 50, dated } August
4982. in a letter from Shiof of APHIP dated 4 August 1952 to the

Camsending Gewral, Wield Command, APGT?P, the responsibilities of

feld Qssmand were cugrented to itclude vertain “smoitons as ine
disated belew in the misoion of the Directorate of Tcoapons Pffeote


Stops deading to present orgerisation,

In 3201, 1

beemme apoarent thas a ocermmoen’ allitary crgarisation waa needed

to divest snd soerdiaate the military particigzation in cenatinectal

atomie teste, Feseuse the dir Forse’: special “eepone Coaand
(sruogently Aur Foree Speeial “enyone Center) mis in sxiatence and

‘wad previots siperiense ia supplying suppert to tie Atoals “nergy
Comeliseioa, tie Jaing Chiefs af Staff diracted the Chir’ of itaff
of the Age Yeres to setablish such an crganisaticn, in escordanece
wits thie directive, the Special Yeapons (Uommad at “irtland 452

ostablished a detct Test Grsap in the rumper of 1981. After the
axperLones ef ome oneration, BUBTER/JASGLE in the Wall of 1961,

the Commanding
Se relieved

General, Special *eaoons Commana requested that he
tote raspensibiitty, fences, on 23
Janucry 1952,

tha thres Chiefa of Staffs assigned to the Chief, Srred Yorsss

foesial twanene “reject the added inission of techuieal gupsrviaton

of samtimental military weapons cffects testa ard the oocrdinstian

of military participation aud assistance to the AM, Test Camrand,
AFERP was activated an 29 decmary 1952 to Cuifili this miastcoa Io

the Chisf, i2iP,

Persemael assigned to the Joint Test Group .ere

weaasferre€ to the Text Camand with headquarters at irtiani A™,

in Que 1982, wyen return from Operation TUBLIR/SYALPIR, ocuducted

in the Spring of 1962, headquarters cf t's Teast Comesd vere trans=
ferred to Sandie Bese,

ctom early dune until toe first of August 1938, feat

Command pergean. 3] mere aatively exgaged in sompleting preliminary

«Ei T=


Select target paragraph3