
Yao Semiennuas history ef the Field Command, iemed svorcas

speetal Meapona Project for the periad of © Janczary 1984 ~ 30

Jume i954, iocluaive, ia divided inte tan parts, ea folluwea:s
PAR? - ~ General Admintetration, ‘wadquartera,

SLeld Command, AFSaE,


TI + Service Brarches ‘administrative nits,

“Ai? INT + Direstorate of Acsinistretion.

PAR? IV » Diresterate of Peraurmel and Socurity.
PART Vw Oireetorate of Matariel,
PAST “VT + Directorate of lperations.
PLAT Vif = Dirsotorate of “asapony Uffoote Uuste,

Mant JULI - Special Groups.
PART CX ~ Candia Bae,

PAT X= The sites, A, B,C, Dy ane L.

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