The Japanese Cabinet decided at its
July 17th session to join the OECD-NEA's

(Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization

for Economic Cooperation and Development)

Two decades plus two have now passed

Since we witnessed the nuclear blast
An exciting thing for a twenty year old

But we're wiser now ~~ and not so bold

Multinational Consultaticn and Surveillance
Mechanism for Sea Dumping of Radioactive
Waste and notified them to the effect in
writing on the same day.

We watched the fireball in thesky

This ig the last step before notifying
the NEA one year prior to the execution of
the planned Pacific nuclear waste dumping.
Government officials claimed that this acticn
was part of the ratification procedure for

Knowing not what the future would bring
The latent effects of Pandora's thing
Man had exploited the olympus fire
No matter if innocent or without desire

the London Dumping Convention (see NSC Vol.6

#1) which took effect in Japan November 14,
1980 and that this did not mean the controversial plan would be implemented immed iacely. But it shows clearly that Japan intends to carry it out regardless of the

Pacific Islanders' protests especially in

conjunction with the building of the ship

which will carry and dump the wastes.

Stepped up protests and increasing
international pressure against the Japanese

government's nuclear waste dumping plans
are urgently needed.

-- From Han-Genpatsu_News, Japan (July/August

1212 University Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 USA
(808) 942-0437

Like innocent children on the fourth of Jul
Saw the mushroom shaped billowing cloud

Felt and heard the thunder so loud

Curses of the Gods have visited some

With more wrath yet sure to come

Cancers sword of misery and eventual death

Threatens each of us till our last breath
To the American government that put us in
the learch
We serve as statistics for the future



No compassion -- or compensation for guinea


Only cold indifference from bureaucratic

~- George Mace, a vetaran of Operation Hardtack nuclear test series, Enewetak Atoll

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