High Commissioner Daniel High reports
nat the unofficial population of the Trust
Territory, following a September 1980 census,
is 115,667. This figure does not include the
Nerthern Marianas, where the census was con-

eucted as part of the U.S. national census.
Jigh noted that -several areas still need to
he verified. This population figure represents a 13% increase since the 1973 census.

personal injury claims against the U,S.
government on behalf of its Marshallese

Additionally, U.S. Court of Claims
suits are being filed on behalf of 14 atolis
and 2 islands in the Marshalls. They are
seeking $400 million for each atoll or islan
for loss and damage to land and radioactive
contamination of foods and water. For more
information: MIATLP, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd
Century City North Building, Suite 460,
Century City, California, 90067.

“rusteeship Council meeting in New York,

High said, "I anticipate that the figure of
approximately 19 percent which we cited last
week will be found to be accurate...It
should be understood that, with over half of
the .population residing on remoter outer
islands within the subsistcace economy, any


figures citing unemployment must be caresully defined and understood,” he added.


The two year old government of the

A U.S.congressional committee has
(@leted $32 million earmarked for the military
-ease of 18,315 acres in the Northern Mariaaas, primarily on Tinian, from the 1982
Part of the Marianas commonwealth
rovenant, approved by congress in 1976, the
“.£. option on the lease expries in 1983.
In another matter, the Appropriations
“‘smmittee of the House of Representatives
'ccided not to approve funds for the rehabi“itation and resettlement of northern Enjebi

While the southern

zsilands in Enewetak were resettled late last

vear, controversy over the safety of the

sorthern islands has surrounded the Enjebi
=2ople's attempt to return home (10 nuclear

rests were conducted on the 1/3 of a square
uile island). Approximately $10 million was
veing sought for the rehabilitation of the

The Marshall Islands Atomic Testing
Litigation Project, a consortium of more
than 10 U.S. law firms, has announced the
filing of more than 2,000 multd-million


Although up-to-date unemployment fisures were not available at the 1981 U.N.

“sland in Enewetak Atoll.


Marshall Islands, an American administered
Trust Territory, lost its operational center
and irreplaceable financial, legal and other
records in a predawn fire August 24.
The blaze destroyed the administratior
building, which housed the offices of the

chief secretary, the attorney general and

the auditor general, the departments of
finance, immigration and social security and
the Marshall Islands credit union. Also
destroye!l were two government warehouses
containirs valuable equipment parts and
other materials,
No one was injured in the fire, which
was discovered by an official who was in his
office working late on a new budget. The
cause of the blaze is under investigation.
The adininistration building was originally

2 wartine gquonset hut erected on the shore
of the Majuro Lagoon just after World War
iI, when Majuro was a navy base.

(Honoluju Star Bulletin, 9-7-81)

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