" ‘The United Nations, May 1981: Views...


..-. On Tne Compact

"We are confident that the end of the trusteeship is in fact
within our grasp. We feel that ‘inal rezgotiations with cespect to
the subsidiary agreements to the Compact could be concluded within a
mere matter of months.
In that light we think it is obvious that
the U.S. Government shouic accelerate the process of transferring

the remaining governmental functions.
Some of the areas encompassed
in this category incluc the transfer of responsibility for communications, administration or U.S. federal programs, construction of
capital improvements, financial management, and participation in the

United Nations Development Program."

--Vice President Petrus Tun, Fecerated States of Micronesia.

"The Belau Comission on Status ar.i Transition undertook those
negotiations with a strong commitment to the Constitution of the
Republic of Belau and it successfully negotiated a Compact of Free
Association which would not require amendment to that Constitution
in order to implement the Compact...It is fair to say that the Republic of Belau is committed to becoming a State freely associated with
the United States in the near future...We will work diligently with
the Government of the United States to complete these negotiations,
including the negotiation of the six remaining subsidiary agreements,
at the earliest possible time."
--Vice President Alfonso Qiterong, Republic of Belau

"...The Compact of Free Association and one of its subsidiary

agreements set forth the mutual agreement of the United States and
Palau with respect to potential U.S. use of certain land areas in
Palau for military purposes. For the most part, these areas will
provide for non-exclusive use and joint use.
There is only one
exclusive use area, and it is located

of the northern island (Babeldaob)."

in a sparsely populated area

--Mr. Strasser, United States representative.
“We are particularly encouraged at this time by the development
of our political institutions...The constitution of the Federated
States of Micornesia has given us the basis for the formation of a

functioning state and national governmental system.

During the past

two years we have scen our hope for success mature into a feeling
of confidence, relfected in the enthusiastic support for our constitutional government expressed at all levels of Society in the F.S.M.
".,.Even though we still require significant outside resources
and time to address our many problems, only we Micronesians can most
effectively attack those problems. We must be afforded the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, as well as to reap the fruits of

our accomplishrents."

--Asterio Takesy,

Federated States of Micronesia.

" .,.Any plebiscite on future political status will be carried

out uniformly and simulatneously
Islands and the Federated States
cite will be preceded ty a fair,
information program covering all
--High Commiccisiz.r Daniel

throughout Belau, the Marshall
of Micronesia and that the plebisobjective and comprehensive public
Hich, Trust Territory

Continued on Page 18

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