.. On Economic Development continied trom Pages
"In the area of basic capital infrastructure the Council might
have gained the impression from certain remarks made here that the

process of installation is now almost complete and that with only a
little additional expenditure we would possess the basic equipment
Necessary to provide social services and to conduct expanded economic
activities. Make no mistake about it, such is not the current
condition of the Federated States of Micronesia,

Moreover, we are a

very long way from that goal.
“While we shall soon complete the constructiva of the primary
road system on the main islands in the F.S.M., the U.S. has refused
to initiate a program for the construction of secondary roads which
are necessary if we are to obtain maximum benefit from the primary
road system. Even the existing primary roads, which are almost
_ entirely unpaved, suffer drastically as 2 result of a lack of funds

for further construction and upgrading, mot to mention adequate

--Asterio Takesy, Federated States of Micronesia

",..There is unemployment, there is a water shortage, and there
are problems with electric power and the communication and transport
systems. Every year there is a balance of trade deficit, the tradi-

tional forms of national production are declining, and medical care
is in a catastrophic state, as indicated by the representatives of


This is eloquently illustrated by the fact that in the

whole Territory there are only two doctors of Micronesian origin,

"If the Trusteeship Council really cares about the fate of the

people of iicronesia it should emphatically demand that the Administering Authority rapidly and effectively contribute towards the
development of the economy and the raising of the social and economic
standards of living of the population and assist it in moving forward

towards self-determination and independence."

--Mr.Berezovsky, Representative of the Soviet Union, U.N.

“In tourism and fisheries development, the need for a reliable

basic infrastructure cannot be overemphasized.
One cannot have
tourists visiting when there is running water for only a few hours a
day. There cannot be a thriving tourist industry when we do not
have control over our transportation industry. There cannot be succesful fishing enterprises when we cannot produce ice or the elec-

tricity to make ice or the water from which ice can be produced. All
of these are basic necessities that must first be provided before any
real small enterprises surrounding these basic economic focal points

can be developed."

-~-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Anton DeBrum, Marshall Islande.

“The Micronesian Industrial Center, a copra oil processing plant,

reopened its operations early this month, providing much needed jobs
for our youth.

We are also hopeful that funds will be forthcoming

from the U.S. Congress to enatle us to continue the cattle feeding
project which has been transferred to us by Trust Territory Headquarters."
--Victorio Uherbelau, Republic of Belau

Continued on Page 17

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