Richland Operations Office--Selected Historical Photographs: The attached records box
. inventories contain listings of photographs The operations office has custady of important
collections of photographs, which capture site construction, site facilities, and key events at
Hanford. Inclided alsa are some photographs of the Richland! community. The inventories of
boxes 8-686, 15264, 16273, 16274, 16278, 41207, 41265. 41274, $3490, and 68843 are, for the
most part, listings of photographs. Themventories ofboxes 7742, 7743, 7744, and 7745 are
listings of cards which contain descriptions ofphotographs which are fled elseewhere. These
photographs capture most ofthe wnportant historical activities at Hanford and they span the
period trom 1943 te 1878.
The box inventories may not reflect the present condition ofthese records.
Arranging for Access to Richlawd Operations (Wlice-Selected Historical Photographs:
Access to unclassified portions of these materials can be arranged under provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) An POLA request may be aubmitied, or additional
information about the recards obtained, by contacting the POLAofficer at:

Freedom of Information Act Officer, AT-7S
LS. Department of Bnergy
BO Bow 350
Richland, WA 99352
Phone: 309-376-6216.

Some of the records onthe atleched box inverdories may have previously been made available at
the DOE reading room tn Richland. These records may be reviewed and duplicated at the reading
room. There is 2 fee for duplicetion. The reading rocm can be reached at:
DOE Public Reading Roan
LOD Sorout Read

Richland, WA 90342


Phone: 569-376-8583
E-mail: ReadingRoom@onlgov

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