INTRODUCTION: RICHLAND OPERATIONS OFFICE RECORDS PRODUCED BYOPERATIONS OFFICE ORGANIZATIONS SELECTED HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPHS by Roger M. Anders (Hiice of Human Radiation Eocperiments Deputy Assisiant Secretary for Planning and Administration Assistant heoretery for Earnuromnent, Safery and Health Rdarch 1996 The Department of Energy and lis Heritage: The Departinent of Energy (DOB) is one of the most diverse agencies in the Federal government. 1b was crested in 1877 from a score of organizational entities from a dozen departments and agencies. DOE encourages the development of energytechnologies in several arene--solar, geothermal, fossil fael, aad nuclear. it develops technologies aimed at promoting conservation of energy resources, DOE is one of the largest Federal agency supporters ofbasic scientific research and manages a research coenplex that includes some ofthe nation's oremuer laboratories, DOE helps formulate national policies for energy use and development. Perhaps ourprisingly to many, DOR aise runs the nuclear weapons research, development, and production complex as well os associated dismantlement and clean up activities, CROE's nuclear heritage comes from the World War TL Manhattan Project which buult the atomic bomb. Thethreads of DOE's invelvement with nuclear issues and programs run through the following agencies: the Manhattan Engineer Thstrict (1942-1947), the Amomic Energy Commission (1947-19753 emi the Enersy Research and Development Admumistranon (1975- 1977), DOE not only took over functions, cultures, and traditions from these agencies, it also cee inherited records from them. Cf these agencies, the longest Hvedand most controverual was the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) The AECaise created 4 grester vohane of records than any other DHOE predecessor agency and, not surprisingly, DOE cull has custody of a substantial voumne of AEC records.