ad Humber Beseript for Bate Fie Pitt High temperature lattice test reactor, 300 area * &- 24-85 8-24-85 71G3 Office addition, 308 BLDG... 300 ares 8-24-85 7102 Service addition, 327 BLRG., 300 area 7104 Replace incinerator furnace components, 232-2 7108 * 7126 Pia? £-24-85 200-4 8-74-48 Coolant backun modifications, 100-8 area Waste fractionization, Phase TTI, 200-5 ares 7108 Atmosphere physics BLDG. 7109 #00-W area Plant mod. for reactor deactivation iOG-F ares File * Pid 7142 Plant modification for reactor deact., 100-H area Fission product packaging facility - 8 Plant, 200-£ 71i4 Fission ordduct facility ~ B plant, 200-E area 7ii3 ® 7148 7436 PEL? 7218 7LL9 Pigg 7324 Fig? * * Hissing High temperature lattice test reactor ~ 300 area * * Containment test facility - 200 west area 7124 7128 Waste transport facdlity - 200 west area Fission product packaging facility - 8 Plant, 260-£ 2123 Fission product packaging facility - B plant, 200-6 7426 fie? 7128 71g% Containment test facility - FO west ares Office addition te 208 BLOG., 300 area Service addition te 327 BLOG,, 360 eres Plant mod, for reactor deactivation, 1Q0-H ares 7330 ?43] 2132 7433 Waste fractionizatian, ghase TEE, 200-6 area Fission praduct packaging facility - B plant, 200-£ Plant mod. far reactor deactivation, 160-H area Fission praduct packaging facility - 8 Plant, 200-— 8-28-88 8-24-65 8-24-85 B- 24-5 B~ 24-88 8-24-65 $-24-85 &8-24-85 8-24-85 8-24-65 8-24-85 8-24-88 8-24-65 9-27 -85 27-85 §-27-85 9-27-88 9-27-85 9-27-65 9-27-85 G27 -85 B27 8% 9-27-65 9-27-85 G~ 27-65 9-27-85 9-27-83 9-27-85 7434 E38 Atmospheric physics BLOG., 200-8 ares Waste transgort facilities, BAO- and 200 areas g- 27-85 10-27-88 7137 7138 Waste momh. prouram, phase [Tf - wafrex, B Plant Atmostheric ghysies BLOG... 200-8 10-27 -69 10-27-85 7136 * 7139 Fide 714) f142 7343 7144 7U4S 7146 744? 7142 7149 7150 715) * . Plant modifications for reactar deactivation Fission praduct packaging facility, 8 Plant, 268-£ 8 * * “ * High temperature lattice lest reactor, 300 area Office addition to 308 BLOG., 360 area Fuels recycle gilet plant, 300 ares 8 Fuels sacycle gilot plant, 10-27-88 10-27-68 10-27-65 10-27-65 1-27 -65 10-27-65 19-27-65 10-27-65 1-27-85 16-27-65 10-27-65 18-27-83 1G-27-85 ji-k [1-38-65