&. Jn the event 2 decision is made to resume nuclear testing,
any personne) or other assets of DASA or subordinate commands

necded for this purpose and involyvcd in the Bikini cleanup project

will be released imincdiately.

The Bikini cleanup will not be permiited to significantly

interfere with the preparation and conduct of planned readiness~to-tcst
excrciscs or with maintenance of the recadine&s-to-tlest posture,

A civilian contractor will be available through the AEC to

provide cngincering support for ficld operations, to provide labor for
cleanup end camp support operations, and to provide for the accomplishment of such other tashs as may be arranged by the Project Manager.

existing contractural arrangements made by the AEC, modificd as
necessary, Will be rnade available to DASA,

Wl. The handling and removal of contaminated scrap will be
conducted such that radiologica) exposure of personnel will be within
the standards for workers established by the Federal] Re diation Council.
Former Bikini isJanders or any other uative residents of the Pacific
Trust Territory mey not be eynployed in collecting and removing scrap

material except in the Bikini-Eneu complex and are not to work with
contaminated scrap wherever it may be found,

The maximum contractor work force on the atoll is estimaicd

to be about 50 people, and the cleanup operation (Jess preparation
wrapup times) is expected to take about six months. Ht is e¢ xpected that
a maximum of about 30 military personne] will be involved on the atoll
at any tiine,

Select target paragraph3