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The DOD and AKC will jointly uwudertake the cleanup of

Bikini Atoll, Cleanup is Jimiied to the rernoval of vegetative overgrowth, debris, and structures or materials residuz)] from the use
of the Aio)] for etomic testing, which could pose radiation or

accident hazards to the population or interfere with their reasonalle
use of the Janda.


The total estimated cost of the clearance operation is about

$1.3 miJlion of which $600 thousand wil] be available for’ oblige»tion in

FY 1969. The AEC and DOD will jointly fund the FY 1969 cosis onan
equa)-share basis to a cciling of $300 thousand for each party.

AEC KY 1969 funds will not be available Sor expenditure

affer 30 June 1969,



4, DOD FY 1969 funds wil] not be available for obligation after
30 June 1969; these funds will be made available to the AEC,

5. The AEC will be responsible for determining that radiological
health and safety requirements for the scrap removal project at Bikini
Atoll are met at the completion of the project. These requir ements, a 5
developed jn program plans, will be subject to AEC approval] prior ‘Lo
the beginning of ficld operetions, AKC will follow the progress made
and kecp interested agencies informed,


The Director, Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA), as

Project Manager for the clearing operation described above, will act

for both the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and the Secretary
of Defense in accomplishing this project. FY 1969 funds for this
purpose, as noted above, wid] be made available to DASA by the AIC,

7. Lis recognized that use of certain equipment or other asseis
available to the ARC and DOV maybe in the overall besi interest of the
U.S. Government. Whenavaileble and jf mutuallyagreed between the

providing party and the Project Manager, the eguipments or other

assets wil) - to the extent possible - be made available to the Project



Select target paragraph3