Dr. Bergen Suydam, Dr. Fred Reines, Dr. George White, ard Dr. Ten Shipman of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, as well as Prof. Jo Be Diag of the University of Maryland, Institution of Fluid Dynamics, my DC/PIH/by DUNCAN CURRY, JR. Distribution: Copyl-4 CJTF-132 Chief of Staff 5 = 7 8&9 10 ii 12 13 id CTG 132.1 CTG 132.2 CTG 132.3 CTG 132.4 D. Curry 17 Jo2 Distribution: Copy Holmes & Narver H, Allen 18 19 20 bd 2 "3 2 oe Sandia Corp. 15 16 q Jeol Je} JeSequence LESL M&R ‘Series (B)). Graves Eurriss Porzel Copy 13 and 1h = TU 1 15 - TU 2 16 = TU 3 Reveille 18 = TU 7 h Tyler 6 Suydam 19 - TU 8 8 White 2i - TU 10 5 7 9 10 12 12 17 = TU bh Heinas 20 - TU 9 ShipnendfmeG@Eony 22 to Werner (NRDL) Rooper Rieder - 25 = TUL Copy 26 and 2% < Jo7 ,