from collecting and holding contamination after all other surrounding
areas have weathered down to insignificant levels.

considered safe fron contamination.

Food in reefers is

dn general, common sense rules

should govern in trying to hold down'’man hours to be spent in decontam=inating inaccessible spots where personnel mst later work, and this
should be balanced against cost of manpower and material in preventing
Salvage canvas, where available, should be used to cover equip=

ment which has inaccessible spots (perhaps oily or greasy spots) which
are likely to collect airborne fall cut and which will be difficult to

It may be necessary to procure additional material for

covering, should insufficient salvage material be available,

With regard to blast , thermal, fall out hasards, euch measures
as ere relatively easy to take, labor-wise, time-wise, and inexpensive,
should be taken,

With the exception of special equipment such as

electronics gear, the hazard dees not warrant a great amount of labor,
time, or expense for the protection of structures, construction equipment, vehicles, and so forth.
Dr. Graves expressed his opinion that the island can be reo .


entered without hazard in 2 < 6 days after Mike shot,
Dr. Draves concurred in the above conclusions.

Among other

qualified scientific personne] present who offered no objection to the
conclusions as they pertained to their respective svientific fields were:




Select target paragraph3