arva will be abo: equals

ant ween v.¢ Weeels arc lng wont tored 473 to Vu

of @ gaza dose rate readi:g will represent
adm a




ebm tan
tee bady



- 3





equivale.t contaatiou| beter,


foe teas oe




Auer ole).

be Toby

. factor to :e co7widerec Ls tat t.e pro abllit, of eollesting

fallout material o: t.e bod, from a cenerall. oo taniceted area in wich

oe lives ig grester tan from o.e's automo ile,
.oc. Mo'ed i

te neat tat sigvtfioaentl:; (ir er amounta of eo-.tanmination

een found o

of te car,

On te otier sand, it “as

te tires ad under parts of feders tia: on te remai-der

(Todo tedl., tis is a simple > anomenon of pieking up the

aciivit. fror tt:

tp was.)

Tf one were to oc acre @ heavily coctani ated

tire, sig 2fiea . anoun.s of redilaciive maticrial mip? aceumiate o. the
Saudis, and later

« traceferred io te hair or ees °°

& Simle re iu of

{ea cs ovr teore parts,

A compariss

mig toe nade ere ¢ wee- rreommc ded maximum dose raics

for *i on perse nel acc te esta lishicg of levels of activit. for automo: iles.
‘.cre iso eo viovs dif’rre.ce, owevery

1. te firat case

te material is alread, on t.@ pergo. while in ice secend case cue tas to
i troc:ce te facior of pro abilit. of tracsfcr c* contamination (and to

wat de,ree) fran t.e car te t € | odve


"ue dose rates (meas rec as stated) in ta le IV would represent a out
eq‘sl co tani ation per uit erea for a oar as for ac infinite plan if te
car were ratrer uniforml. eontam aed.

If t-e activity were coifined say

prioeipall, to te tires a.d under paris ef t.e fe ders, Ue dose rate reedi-zs
mirit represe i nearl, twiee t.e degree of costanicatio:
tis coadition wit, te pro a iiit. tata tire will


One must weigh

¢@ e¢ aged efors the


Select target paragraph3