Beoh cary VALE Abs
Poat blocks were esta lice ao. i. wa.a 33 ad 91 follori-g shots
mom er sever and mine of C) gotenothole,

“he .ift est readiq on a private

eztomotile was 100 ar/:r (garam) inside ad 110 mr/ur ovtsice at © plus 33


Abort 75 sarc were waried (rouchl: 1/) of t 6 total mo-d tored).

All of te cars tat were was.ed escept t ¢ one mentioced al ove, had ovtaide
dose rate readi gs lesa tha. al? of toe lig est.

“\c patio of dose rate

reacdi cs on t @ ovtside of tie aar to inside varied from init.

to aout h/l.

Protabl: on@ of te immortact factors here ie tre diffcrese ‘etwee

wit: windows a-d/or we tilators opened or closed.
o.tside acd averace of 160 mr/or inside wit

rear seat of 1.0 mr’ r ato


“ae ous read 250 xr/ir

e@ ig ineide readi-g ever tre

pius 7 3/L svars.

Considering t e @mount of time oie mormall: speada 1: an automo ile,
tiese dose patea do
ga .a coses,


‘ecessaril. represe< a‘ealt. -aszard in terns of

“nat is sro abl: a more limitis factor is tee direct coutam

wiio. ove miz \ acquire bo rut ix araiast te outside of t:e car, espreiall:

ew angius a tire.


Tt ts aggune* tat moillori g will ce aceommlis ed outside a ge eral


“beoretical cale.latio vg (Arpe xix ©) Ladieate tiat gana

dose race readi-ys tace: at fuur iG cs fro: a eurface will be 514, kot, and
ef! of those)’ a peter at trree feet a ove & equall, cottami.wted (ofinite
ficld wee. te radii of covtant wti.. are resrectivel,y 3 feet, 2 feet, a8



“hese data @ioccst trat wees t-e gawma dose rate reading at four fron @ ge erall: contaminatec car is a out one half tiat for an
Lifinite pla e ta.en at tires feet, 1 @ degree of co taninatio. per unit





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Select target paragraph3