qualitative spectral distritution infcrmation.

All channels were

recoriei on Consolidated Recorders except the six back-scatter channels
in the B-47 which were

recorded on magnetic tape.

The cameras were

equipped with red and blue filters to obtain information at each end of
the visible region ef the spectrum.

Several cameras were equipped with

spectroscopic attachments tc obtain continuous spectra in the visible

Two of these spectrofraphs were eperated at the "G&G Chieerete

phote tower.

Information of the positiom in space of each aireraft is centaine?
in the post shot reports of the follewing projects:

Project 5.1 - B+47

Project 5.3 - B66

Project 5.2 - B-52

Project 5.4 =< B-57



The preliminary value of total thermal input to the air-

craft obtaine? by Projcct 5.7 instrumentation is include in

the pest shot

report of the aprrepriate preject indicated above.
ack-Seatter Mcesurements on the P-47:
scatter channels feiled.

One channel of the six back-

Signals werc reecivei on the other five.

Signals indicate a rough, unccrrectc? value of a




the thermal energy back-scattered to the cockpit.
Fhaotocraphic Data:

A total of thirty five cameras were cperated by

Project 5.7 on this event.

Thirty three of these were airborne in four

Of these, two are known to have failed tc operate properly.

The degree of success of the B-52 eamerags will not be known until the film
is returned from Hawaii.

A report on the operation of the two cameras in

the Chieerete photo tower has not as yet been received.

Best estimate, at

present, is that thirty three magazines should have obtained records suitable
eee analysis,

Verification of this estimate is not possible until these

fms have been developed.

~ 34 -


Select target paragraph3