

Project 5.7 - Thermal Flux and Albedo Measurements from Aircraft Capt R. L. Dresser

The objective of Project 5.7 participation on this shot was to
obtain thermal flux and albedo information of a nuclear detonation


airborne calorimeters, radiometers, and sixteen millimeter motion picture


Instrumentation within the purview of Preject 5.7 which wes installed

in the B-47 included nineteen NRDI calorimeters and two NROL radiometers
for measuring the dircet and surface reflected thermal radiation.


Calorimeters were utilized to measure thermal radiation which was back
Scattered toward the cockpit.

Seven CSAP N-9 cameras were utilized to

obtain photorcraphie coverage of the firchell, the earth's surface, ani cf
elouds teneath the eireraft, and elso of any reflecting surface such as
a cloui which could contribute to the beck-seattered radiation,
Project 5.7 instrumentetion on the B-52 included the twenty one basic
instruments for thermal rediation measurements, but only an additional two
instruments were utilized for back-scatter measurements.

Fight GSAP cam-

eras were installed for phetographie coverage.

Project 5.7 instrumentation on the R-57 consisted of the basic twenty
one instruments ani six cameras.

Project 5.7 instrumentation on the B-66 consisted of the basic twenty
one instruments ani twelve cameras.

Neither tactical bomber (B-66, B~57) was instrumented for measuring
back-scattered thermal radiation.

The twenty one basic thermal instruments

possessed various fields of view and were suitably filtered to obtain

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patie BC


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