the tailings are permanently stored at uranium mill sites.

Air sampling

has demonstrated that there is no health hazard to the population surrounding
’ the mill sites.

Stabilization of the tailings is required in Colorado, and

other uranium milling states are considering such control.


If this refers

to the natural radionuclides liberated in burning fossil fuels the AEC
does not have responsibility for measuring natural radionuclides released
in this process.


Inventories of radionuclides by source do not bear a direct relationship
to risk-vs-benefit balances.

The inventory of radionuclides deeply buried

- underground following nuclear weapons test events must be considered as
unavoidably associated with these events which are conducted as part of
the U. S. national security program as were former weapons tests in the

atmosphere. The risk of contamination of ground water is minimal since it
is known that movement of ground water on the Nevada Test Site is very slow,
i. e., it is believed to be significantly less than 100 feet per year.


this slow rate of movement , it would require several hundred yeers for the
water to move to a point of known use as a public water supply.
this time radioactive decay continues.


The potential dose commi tment to

' the user would then be considerably lower than the guidance for radlation
protection provided by the Federal Radiation Council.

No Plowshare feasi-

bility experiment is conducted until the AEC, through a series of safety
studies in all known areas of the environment in which there could be
problems of health and safety to the population, has assured itself that .

Select target paragraph3