
there are adequate provisions for protection of the public.

Thus , there is no logical way to equate inventories of indefinitely-

: stored radioactive wastes with human exposures (potential risks).


equating released inventories with human exposures requires many assumptions.
Conversely, at the low exposure levels which are presently being observed

in the environs, it may not be always possible to ascertain the relative
contribution of different sources.

Finally, and most important, the Federal

Radiation Council never has attempted a “benefit-vs-risk" breakdown among
aifferent phases of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, some of which are
’ interrelated, such as power production and fuel reprocessing.

This is due

_.to the need to temper broad estimates of biological and other risks and of
“benefit with factors involving medical, social, economic, political and other



Question 1D
Can the 1968 estimated total be broken down a fourth way, into significant

nuclides by name?

X curies of tritium?

X curies of carbon 147
X curies of tungsten-187?
X curies of krypton-85?7

X curies of "others"?


Isn't sugh data basic to the computation of consequent doses and ecological

_ transfert —

Select target paragraph3