
to survey and to take water and soil samples at populated atolls et Watho, Wotie,
Erikub, Maloelap and Majuro.

Atolls being visited were those indicating more

than .10 mr/hr and maximum of 150 mr/hr at H plus 2 hours except Watho.


preters were included to reassure natives reference visibility of Bravo and raddation phenomena.

Part 6:

Watho read background but was included for the latter reason.

Requested CincPacFlt obtain permission from the British to make a survey

flight of AEC NYC type through the Gilbert Island chains and return to Kwajalein.
This made to completely document Bravo positive evidence on populated areas ad-

jacent to Marshall Islands.
Flt that pemission granted.

US Naval Attaché in Londmhas indicated thru CinCPacHe further advised that the colonial officer has

informed Commissioner and has described flight as survey flight without mentioning radiation aspects.

He has requested that general summary of the results be

passed to him for information British authorities London.

Part 9:

This will be done.

The above is a general summary of entire situation and an indication of

the action which has been taken.




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