

control badges taken from refrigerated storage and carried in pockets for inde-

terminate time all read 38 r.
PY, March 2.


Aircraft evacuated the Weather Detachment by 6:00

Maximum skin reading Beta and Gauma prior decon tamination hour.

Ground station at Rongerik began reading above- 100 mr/hr at2:00 PM, March 1.
Part kh:

An aerial survey of Utirik at approximately 300 BY, March 2, at low

altitudes indicated 620 mr/hr extrapclated ground reading (Gamma only by NYOO


At 1:5 PY, March 3 (H plus 55) surface readings were 160 mr/hr.

By estimating that fallout occurred at Utirik at approximately H plus 18 hcurs

and that the natives vere evacuated by wii Be, March lh, campute the total
dos2ge received to be aprroximately 17 r._
Part 5:

All natives have now arrived at.Kwajalein and are under the care and

supervision of CormNavStaKkwajalein.

Health situation of natives remain satis-

factory and physical exaninations disclose nothing unusual.
symptoms of radiation of now.

There are no

Some infants seem to be difficult to

feed but this is thought to be due to the present variation from normal diet.
Procurement of the usual diet is being accomplished via local natives.
prognosis favorable.

Part 6:

Mcrale very good.

A ship AKL (frust Territory cargo ship) arrived Utirik after fallout


We will contact this vessel at Ailuk to determine whether or net she

received any radiation exposure.

Ship is reported to have 50 perscns aboerd.,

ship was scheduled from Kvaialein to Utirik to Ailux.
March 2, and departed
Part 7:




It arrived Utirik 10:00 AY,

Utirik at 7:00 AM, March 3.

Have dispatched Renshaw DDE 199 with experienced menitcr and interpreter

aboard to perform water and soil Sanpling mission at populated atolls of Likier,
Jemo, Ailuk and Meiit.
tioned Part €.

The Renshaw will also check Trust Territory ship men-

ir. Tno~as “hite with interpreter has been dispatched by sea plane

peessca. cae B=”


Select target paragraph3