ACL TL KAULATION SioekGibS Lob. Hedical Departwent AW Thbhik MAnAGLS EX Cronsite Brouvkhaveu watioual Laboratory Upton, hew tork 11973 ABSTKACT Radiation synadcrowes produced by large doses of into three general wroups depending on dose of time after exposure. appeacs in minutes appears after doses The CNS syndrome to hours, and kills witila hours of a tew hundred nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, to 2000 rad. thousands of cto days. It rad, The GIS is charactertzed by and disturbances of water and electrolyte It nas a high wortaltty in the firse week after exposure. wes ge cose Sarme we tht aie * Sah : re : es - ‘ metabolism. reguires many cadiation and Se eeeen Sena ace divided ionizing radiation Survivors will then expertence Vependiag on dose, therapy. the HS as a result of marrow aplasia. survival 13 possible with antlbioctic and The relattonsntp of graqaulecyte depression and huian betngs is Lllusteated., aurtality of The rule of depth duse pattern un why alr exposure doses sway be misleading. molecular regulators. transplants to mortality in do.,s radtatlon exposure is described and used as ts descelded based on antibfotics, teansfusion an indication of The therapy of cadilation injury transfuston therapy, aad use of The limited role of matched allogenic bone arrow is discussed. Tnis ceseuarch waS supported by the L.S. Department of kLnerey under Contract vE~ACO2Z~76CHOUOL6, Accordingly, the U.S. Covernwent retains 4 nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce tie publishea for. of tils contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Governnent purposes, 50129491 3 A * a A a4