
hy 4, 1566



Pifty-five of tha 69 were on Rongelep Islend «nd received catin.ted vhole
body doses of 175 B plus possible doses of 7U3 to 1409 rea to their thy-

roids froa the tedfofodines,

The ren-ining 16 (six vcore 1-10 yerrs of

ree) vere vislting on /tlf{ngnse, @ necrby felend, end received esticsted

doses of 69 R whole body exposure, plus less certein but probcbly earl]
thyro{d dsses. None of the six children who were on /illagace b-ve thus
fer developed necules, so thee Che incidence of nocules rmcog tue 19
more heavily exposed cn Eonseleap when 1-19 yeers cle {29 13/19 or CE pcre

Teo of the three cdults were ca Eongelap cond one vcs ca /iliogace,

Thus fer only siz of the sbove, Including the ecult found to heve cincer,
herve been subjected to surgery.

Tre current plins ere to bring five of

the recsfaing 10 cares to Brookhaven for further diegnoetic rtuly cad
poscible curgery during May 1966, One is e 4€~yeer-old acult woscn and
the others ere girls preseatly 15, 13, 13, and 20 yerrs off.

They will be

accozpenfed by the Rongelep schooltescher woo vill ust «9 interpreter, The
trevel end trectrent of these people h-s been developed with the couperetion

of the Fonorcble Filfred Goé{ne, High Cezazlesfonsr, Trest Terriicrzy of the
Prceifie Ieslends,

Ali these Mirsh.llese presvably have been trking tetrefodathyrcaine, a
eyntietic thyroid horasne, for the lest seven moaths,.

Tie inteat of the

therapy {8 to prevent endfor excuse reixessioa of the nodules.

hrs been seen, but it te too soon to drew conclusions.

S.cs success

Forty children who were on Uctrik ot the tise ond received estic. ted doscs

of 14 2 plus proporctfenately eacller foterncl thyroid dozes were ezenined
for nofulrr thyroids; none were found.

fopeog 194 unerpozed controls who sre oce living on these dslen7zs, three

crocs of thyroid nodules were found, 21] in edults more thea 47 ye-rs.

Uther forms of thyroid disacse were not seen,

You will be kept (noforned of the prorrecs of these studies; the ocxt note-

worthy fcea will be the clinfezl erd pessibly surcierl fiadiaze in the
five Eerehcllese comine to Briokhuvea.


c. L. Inmbca, wD.

Division of Blolozgy «nd Hecictas


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