conducted a survey of Runit Island in May 1972.

Both beta-gamma survey

meters and Fiddler meters (for pluconium detection, by means of
americm-241 content) were used, the former for beta- and gamna-ray
detection and the latter for plutonium detection,
on 10-foot exids.

Soil samples were taken for plutonium analysis in

laboratories in the U.S.

Air samplers were used to test for plutonium

Generally, these air samplers showed no detectable activity,

but did record as high as 0.24 d/min-meter
28.4 d/min-meter

of beta-gamma activity.

RR IRER Re Sen em ae

in the dust.

Measurements were made

of alpha particle activity and
Urine samples of full-time

workers in the area never showed alpha-particle activities larger than
a very small fraction of tolerance (Kinsey, 1973).

As a consequence of

these findings, the precautionary quarantine on Runit was lifted on

without any corrective actions needed for the island.





Select target paragraph3