In the extensive results from these 1964 surveys, the radioactivity was
‘found generally to be somewhat greater in the plants and marine life

on Bikini Atoll than on Eniwetok Atoll.

Furthermore, radioactivity in

the vicinity of previous nuclear tests was greater than on islands remote
from tests (Welander, 1967), @easley and Held, 1969),

(Beasley and Held,

The next extensive land-based survey was conducted by the Air Force
Weapons Laboratory in July 1971 (E. L. Kinsey, 1973).
were surveyed:

The following islands

Bogariik, Bogon (Irene), Engebi (Janet), Eberira


Aomon (Sally), Biijiri (Tilda), Rojoa (Ursula), and Runit (Yvonne).

On Runit, readings of

beta- and gamma-ray activity were taken everv 50 feet alone four equall;
On Aomon the highest

reading was 0.035 mR/hr, with an average of 0.015 mR/hr.
In early May 1972 a team composed of Atomic Energy Commission and
Environmental Protection Agency specialists conducted a brief radiological
survey of Runit Island (Kinsey, 1973).

During the course of this survey,

the AEC representative recommended to SAMTEC, the custodian of the Atoll,
that this island be quarantined until a more detailed radiological survey
could be made of the plutonium contamination on the ground at about the
"waist" of this long island and more could be learned about the disposition
of radiological materials and debris left from the previous nuclear test.
Following a meeting at AEC in Germantown, Maryland, on 30 June 1972,
about this precautionary quarantine situation, a survey team from the
WEC and the Department of Defense, along with the support from EPA,


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spaced traverses of the island, one 4,200 feet long.

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the latter at the lip of Cactus crater on Runit.

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In general, the measured exposure rates were 0.002 mR/hr to 1.2 mR/hr,

Select target paragraph3