Figure 19. Section of skin from beta-burn area on backof

Figure 17. Persisting depigmented areas, 6 months
after exposure, in areas of mostsevere lesions.”

neck of 56-year-old woman (No. 34) at 10 years after exposure (100 x). Note atrophy of epidermis with narrowing of stratum granulosum andfingerlike projections of
rete pegs. Slight atrophy of the sweat gland ductsis also

ac Seaweaneceaei

Figure 18. Ear lesion healed, 6 months

Figure 20. Pigmented nevusiike lesions in previous

the neck regions that sustained severe beta burns

and unexposed populations. [n addition, special

have been enhanced by the skin exposure (see Fig-

the eves have been doneat intervals by ophthal-

after exposure, with considerable scarring.”

suggests that the developmentofbenign lesions may
ure 20). Possible cocarcinogenic factors such as the
ultraviolet radiation in tropical sunlight and skin

beta-burn area of neck (subject No. 78).1

examinationsfor possible effects of radiation on

mologists accompanying the medical team,first in
May 1954 (2 monthsafter the accident) and then

irritation from coral, trauma, and infections may

in 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1967,

skin more likely, but the dark pigmentation should
offer some protection, as it has been shownthat

testing of vision, accommodation, muscle balance,

render the developmentof malignant changes in the
skin canceris less prevalent among Negroes.

Routine ophthalmological examinations (in- .

cluding funduscopic) have been included in the
ical examinations of both the exposed


1971, and 1972. The routine examinations include

and pupillary reactions; external examination;
and funduscopy.Vision is tested with the Snellen

chart and the E-chart when necessary. Intraocular
tension has been measured when indicated, and
color vision has been tested on several occasions.
Special examinations have includedslit-lamp and

fundus photography.Aspart of the aging studies

quantitative changes in certain eye characteristics

Select target paragraph3