Chapter 1
Research at Enewetak Atoll: A Historical Perspective
iuie of Marine Biology. University of
_a.. Maneoke. Hawaii 96744:

‘ida Operations Office. U. S. Department of
i nergy. Las Vegas, Nevada 89114: current
address is 10252 Hatherleigh Dr.. Bethesda.
Njurvland 20814

INTRODUCTION“cite theater of operations in World War Il


.cnions. of military personnel to the tropical
and their activities on the Pacific Islands afforded

contact and awareness of the physiography and

“atural history of these small dots of land scattered in the
-est expanse of ocean. This enhanced awareness, coupled
aith a recognized need by the military establishment for
increased knowledge of Pacific Island areas, led to
sv ernment-sponsored investigations, ‘complemented by
“rs of many individual scientists whose interest had

“ated by wartime visits to these islands. In the
period. two activities of the U. S. government
.-::3 further interest on the coral atoll of the tropical
“acie and influenced the future of research at Enewetak
Atoli (Figs. 1 and 2}. The origin of the spelling “Eniwetok”
“8 lost but would appear to be a phonetic rendering of
wha: the people called their atoll. In 1973 it gave way to
the current spelling, consistent with written Marshallese.
én meaning “island which points to the east.”

‘“srld War Il demonstrated the importance of these
cattered land masses to any military confrontation
“acific basin. After the war, the U. S. Navy moved

‘» c2velop a series of permanent bases from among the

Mer, temporary wartime bases and outposts which had

beer, established across the Pacific. With the prominent

ro of the Navy in developing and maintaining these
Deszs. if is not surprising that the Navy's research arm,
the Office of Naval Research (ONR), inaugurated a scien:
"ac Drogram in the late 1940s aimed at a better under

"7g of atoll morphology and of al! aspects of island
‘A omicroorganisms to human inhabitants. The ONR
: a series of expeditions in conjunction with the

+. °¢ Science Association. many of which were to atolls


in the central and western tropical Pacific. Arno Atoll in

the southern Marshall Islands and Onotoa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati} were subjects of intensive investigation in 1950 and 1953, respectively. Scientists .
involved in these atoll studies contributed to the establishment of the Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory (EMBL)
on Medren Island, Enewetak Atoll, in 1954.
The second postwar activity which served to focus
attention on the mid-Pacific area was the atomic weapons
testing program in the northern Marshall Islands. Two

atomic weapons hadinflicted mortal damage upon Japan
and had brought a precipitous end to the war in the

Pacific. Military planners and strategists knew very little
about this new and awesomestrategic resource. Thus, an

area was sought which might accommodate full-scale testing of atomic weapons. Neil Hines (1962) in his book

Proving Ground describes the process of choosing the
northern Marshall Islands as the testing site. First Bikini
Atoll and then Enewetak Atoll became test sites, to be
known together as the Pacific Proving Ground. National
security considerations soon led to research and develop
ment testing and, with the impetus of the cold war, to the
testing of thermonuclear weapons in these islands. In all,

between 1946 and 1958, 43 nuclear devices were tested
at Enewetak and 23 on Bikini—events which were to have

profound and lasting environmental. social, and cultural
-eHects upon these two atolls as well as others nearby. The.
nuclear testing program provided a setting, a focus of

interest, and an opportunity for research in the northern

Marshail Islands which eventually led to the establishment

of the EMBL.

Soon after the 1946 tests at Bikini (Operation
Crossroads}, which had been designed to assess the mili- —

tary significance of atomic weapons. the United States

Congress created the Atomic Energy, Commission (AEC), a
civilian agency charged with responsibility for the research,

development. testing, and production of nuclear weapons.
This new agency was to become host and manager of the

Pacific Proving Ground and, later.“sponsor of EMBL.

Operation Crossroads was largely a seaborne opera: .











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