







Construchion Aporopriation Act, Public Law 94-367, with respect to
Enewetz2k, and section 104 of the Territories of the United States Appropriation Authorization Act, Public Law 95-134, may not be dispositive
of the matter.

would Uke to see the claims issue settled with finality now while we are
in 2 posiion tc co so, anc [believe the Status 2 tegotiations offer an oppor—
tunity to achieve that result. I recognize thet there are a number of unsettled factcel questions and that it is dificult to predict what position the
Micronesiens might take with respect ta any proposal the United States

might make in this regard. The approach I propose is to include, in the
egreements texminating the Trust, provision whereby the Pacitic Islands
egree, in essumicg Hile to fe land, also to extingcish all such claims egar
the United States. The approact is not intended to put an end to medical
treatment provided by the United States for personal injury as axresvlt of
reciation exposure.

It is my belief that it is in the best interest of the United States to put an
end to these claims. I, therefore, request that you include the claims
issue on theegenda2 for the Stefus Negotietors. This Deparhmert alsa

‘will pursue, separetely, with the Department of the Interior the feasibility
of using indivicual releases in those instances where the facts permit.


cc: Secretary of theInterior






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Select target paragraph3