the islands of Gene and Flora, and only a sand bar now remains to

The types of nuclear events, shot frequencies, geographical locations,

distinguish the island of Helen.

Only 39 of the original 42 islands of

yields, generated particles, conditions after the tests, and other

the Atoll remain and make up a total land area of approximately 6.9 km?

factors determined the resulting distributions of transuranics and

that is situated on the reef whose area is 84 km,

influenced the physical and chemical forms of the elements deposited

the lagoon is 47.4 m;

the maximum depth is 60 m.

The average depth of
The lagoon area is 933

The main components in the

lagogn sediments included foraminifera, coral, Halimeda remains, shells
of mollusks, and fine material.

A brief historical review of testing at

Enewetak, abstracted from several unclassified documents

The sedimentary components in Enewetak Lagoon were studied

extensively during the late 1940s (Hm54),

the benthic environment.

(Ne73, Ci64,

Hi62), explains a few conditions responsible for the trarnsuranic
distributions and inventories at the Atoll].
The test series at Enewetak began jin 1948

Material finer than 0.5 mm in diameter

(Operation Sandstone)

was too fine to identify and was classified as fine debris.

towers on
when 37-, 49-, and 18-kt devices were detonated from ?00-{t

Distributions and average abundance of the sedimentary components were

14 May.
the islands of Janet, Sally, and Yvonne between 14 April and



(Em 54),

Fine debris made up 57% of the lagoon sediments and

testing was resumed

(Operation Creenhouse) and foul


tower shots

was abundant throughout the lagoon to within a few hundred feet from the

was again
were conducted during a 4?-da interval. The island of Janet


the location of two ground zeros.

A detailed description of the forms, living habits, populations,

In 1952,

the first thermonuclear

device (Mike) destroyed the island of Flora on the northwest

and specific relationships of the aquatic biological components at the

Mike event was a 10.4-Mt surface detonation occurring on Jl October,

Atoll is beyond the scope of this report.

Water surging from the point of the explosion sent a wave over adjacent

A significant number of


articles that were published between 1955 and 1974 and resulted from

islands including Janet, the site of three previous ground

research conducted at the Enewetak Marine Biological Laboratory were

original crater where Flora had once been had an irregular outline

compiled recently in a three-volume report (En76).

was more than 1 mi in diameter, which, before it was partially

The individual

reports dealing with specific ecological studies at the Atoll, are too

ft deep.
by the returning rush of coral sediment, was almost 200

numerous to list.

crater is presently 90 ft deep,

The reader is referred to the compilation (En76)

descriptions of the biology


and ecology of the Atoll,

The most severe radiological impact on the aquatic environment of
Enewetak occurred during the nuclear test years between 1948 and 1958.

The 1952 series of


tests concluded with

the King event, a high-yield air drop over Yvonne Island.

In 1954 2

ever Mike
single device, Nectar, wis detonated on a Large Jocrted


Not only did this test greatly disturb the radionuclides


Select target paragraph3