transuranics introduced from these source terms is associated with

components of the marine environment,

components of the benthic environment,

more extensive investigations, concentrating on measurement of

Because of the high level of deposition the Atoll is now its own
transuranic source term,

Plutonium, for example,

is not permanently

The survey was followed by other

transuranice to better assess the impact of these radionuclides on the
environment and inhabitants of the Atoll and to increase our

fixed with the carbonates and other material with which it was

understanding of the mobilization, reconcentration, and redistribution

originally deposited in the lagoon and reef during nuclear testing.

processes from sources within the environment.

Small amounts of plutonium are now remobilized, resuspended,

This paper contains a summary of data related to the concentrations

assimilated, and transferred continuously within the Atoll environment

of the transuranium elements in components of

by physical, chemical, and biological processes.

environment of the Atoll

More than half of the United States nuclear tests in the Pacifie
were conducted at Fnewetak Atoll.

Surface and tower shots left craters


the benthic and pelagic

Data from the survey re part


more recent publications, and unpublished results from this laboratory
will be discussed.

Some published and unpublished data from our studies

and contaminated scrap on land and generated radiouctive debris that was

at Bikini Atoll] will be presented when necessary for comparison with

redistributed to the adjacent reef and lagoon.

Enewe tak data and in the ahsence of Enewetak data,

Megaton tests that left

for the clarificatior

underwater craters and barge shots in the lagoon contributed

of characteristics of transuranic radlonuclide concentration. at the

significantly to the present transuranic inventory.


The impact of nuclear testing and the fate of the residual

Whenever possible,

the Atoll] data will be compared with that

from other marine ecosystems,

tadioactive materials introduced to the aquatic environment at both
Enewetak and Bikini Atolls are the subjects of reports too numerous to
list herein.

However, not until late 1972 when a radiological resurvey

Enewetak Atoll, with U.S.-assigned and native names and several

of Enewetak Atoll was conducted to gather data for the development of

landmarks including the locations of craters formed by nuclear tests,

cleanup and rehabilitation procedures for the resettlement of the

shown in Fig. 1,

Enewetak people to their homeland did extensive measurements of

this report.

transuranics in the Atoll environment begin.

The information was


U.S.-assigned island names will be used throughout

The Atoll consisted of a ring of 42 low islands arranged on a

published in the survey report (Ne73), which contains data on most

roughly elliptical reef, 40.2 x 32.2 km

long-lived residual radionuclides, including plutonium and americium, in

in the northwesterly direction,

(fm54), with the elonpeted axis

Nuclear testing completely destroyed

por acer


Select target paragraph3