borne by the participating air commands.




This determination was made by

the Director of the Budget, USAF, and concurred in by the Office of the
Secretary of Defense.

A short time later, this decision was reversed by

Headquarters, USAF and Joint Task Force SEVEN notified Task Group 7.4
that commands would not bear all the costs and that Headquarters, USAF
was preparing a funding procedure for the rehearsal.

The message from

Headquarters, USAF establishing.this funding procedure rescinded all pre~
vious instructions and stated that each command required to participate

in support of Task Group 7.4, at the call of the Commander, ARDC would
finance such support from its own financial resources within the scope
of the McNeil memorandum in the sams manner as in past years,


to information contained in a previous communication from Headquarters,

USAF no provision was made in the approved ARDC (AFSWC) annual financial
plan for centralized funding.

Accordingly, the Commander, ARDC was not

required to provide funds in connection with total Air Force participa~

tion in the ZI rehearsal, but was required to fund for AFSWC participa-



During Operation IVY, supplies and equipment.were issued by the

Army and Navy units to the Air Task Group and reimbursement therefor was
effected with funds made available by the Joint Task Force.

For Opera-

tion CASTLE, Joint Task Force SEVEN issued Administrative Order No. 2-53,
which stated briefly that housekeeping equipment and supplies, special
purpose vehicle spare parts common to both Army and Air Force, and other
items of common supply would be furnished by Task Group 7.2 to Task
Group 7.4 on a reimbursable basis.

Joint Task Force SEVEN ruled that

funds from Joint Task Force SEVEN would not be used for such reimburse-


Reimbursement for this purpose had to be assumed by ARDC (AFSWC),



Select target paragraph3