from Joint Task Force SEVEN who in turn requested Headquarters, USAF to

help resolve the question.

Headquarters, USAF acknowledged that the fund-

ing for the TDY was the responsibility of the Air Force and directed Headquarters, ARDC .to fund for the TDY.

Later the TDY orders were changed by

Headquarters, USAF to assign the pilots PCS (permanent change of station)

This settled the problem of funding for the TDY but brought up

the question of the "first Task Force duty station" for these personnel.

JTF SEVEN had previously stated that "first Task Force duty stations for
the Air Task Group will be the overseas duty station, i.e., ENIWETOK,
BIKINI, etc."

The fighter pilots were assigned to the 4926th Test Squad- _

ron (Sampling), an organization of AFSWC, located at Kirtland AFB, the
same location as Headquarters, Task Group 7.4.


At a funding conference

in Washington on 23 November 1953, JIF SEVEN decided that the first Task
Force duty station of Headquarters, Task Group 7.4 was Kirtland, and that

the first Task Force duty station of the 4926th was Eniwetok.

This meant

that JIF SEVEN funds would move the personnel of Headquarters, TG 7.4 to

Eniwetok and return, and AFSWC would fund for the 4926th movement. This


was the first reversal of the policies which had been folloved in Operation IVY.

ILLUSTRATION 9, opposite page, shows TG 7.4 Cost by Purpose.
The requirement placed on Task Group 7.4 to conduct a Zone of

the Interior rehearsal during October 1953, brought about another reversal of policy.

Since the funding responsibilities were not clear, a let-

ter was sent to Joint Task Force SEVEN requesting information on the

possibility of the charges being placed against ARDC (AFSWC).

This in-

formation was needed as the ARDC (AFSWC) budget did not include funds
for this purpose.

Joint Task Force SEVEN advised that all travel, ten

porary duty and transportation in connection with the rehearsal must be


Select target paragraph3