(Sfap) 4.

The gold, fast, and shield corrections are added and this

value is subtracted from the uncorrected gamma dose to give a corrected
gamma dose:

17,500r - (408 + 3590 + 1230) = 12,272@r = 12, 300r
of 5. To correct for the gamma attenuation of the shield, gamra
attenuation factors for each shield type were calculated for gamma energies
of 1, 3, and 5 MeV using _1
to calculate the attenuation factor. The
@ ~ bX


appropriate attenuation tactor for the slant range and shot yield was
multiplied by the corrected gamma dose to obtain the final corrected

gamma dose:

12,300r x 1.14 = 14,022r = 14,000r.

(SARD) 6.

To save time, "magic numbers" which are the soil gamma

dose for 1x10’? thermal neutrons perrsquare centimeter and for 1x10"

fast neutrons per square centimeter were calculated for Nevada-type soil,

coral, and water using the methods outlined in Reference 5.


To calculate

Select target paragraph3