Wit baa ypataarh. - Adulitiomat 3 - November 2}, 1978 Peeth Samples Necessary: a) Coubtol samples for different categories, b} Pending the results trom the currently available samples, additional samples for activity concentration determination ane auboracdrography . (to) i (a) +(e) & CE) Le witli be obluined based un a flexible but carefully thought out UXpurtmentabl desrvgn. Cll Methods: Activily Concentration Each Marshall Ysland sample selected would be analyzed for 238pu, 239,240py Via the ion-exchange Lixalion-elution-electrodeposition technique and alpha counting, For 945y vie the HEDIP extraction of 30y—sceparation as the oxalate and beta counting, aml For 241aAm (if detectuble) via the gamna counting of the €luent. Only the plutonium data will be used for F. ‘T. Cua's Ph.D. research. Each animal tooth sample selected will be analyzed for 438pu or 239,240pya, A quality assurance proyram will be set up between BNL and the laboratory from which the samples are obtained since the animal bone data are generated at the Other laboratories. Al] equipment is currently available at the Safety and Environmental Protection Division. Autoradiography Numerous autoradiographic techniques for preparing histologic section of undecalcified teeth are under evaluation. Each human and animal teeth samples selected will be subjected to the technique developed ultimately. Each section WiLL be kept for Future 20sr studies. fNqudipment Necessary: a} b) c¢) qd) e) £) g) h) veagents used in preparing the samples bioplastic or paraffin wax embedding apparatus mechanical yrinder or microtome or microsawing apparatus slides and emulsions and plates (a & B tracks) photographic processing equipment staining reagents microscope (video camera???) Question: Would it be difficult to arrange time for the use of the equipment currently available in SEPD and other departments such as Biology and Medical? Iv. Results: 1. 238pu or 239,249 py activity concentration in the teeth samples of different kinds of animals exposed through different routes of entry 2 Bone data 3 Yoeth 4. (1) to Bune (2) ratios for different animals for different wobry routes . of 2398p and 2492490 aclivity concentration of MI teeth samples as a funckion olf Ff age, sex, extraction date, 2004956 kind of tooth, island, etc.