(aa Le November berotrade, b) Lovelace Je A. Biomedical Mowhimney, and Environmental Research Yl, L978 Laboratory (c/o VS 8-475-8770) Beagle Boys - 238pu, 239pu inhalation studies University of Utah (c/o Webster Jee, d) fos Alamos Sciuntific Laboralory uw) Ar yonne National Bone dala samples. Laboratory FITS 8-588-5500/581-6728) (c/o James McInroy, (c/o Marika Bhattacharyya, FYS-8-972-4160 (published or unpublished) that correspond to these tecth Teeth samplus trom the Marshall Islands. samples which can be broken down as a) {sland Bikini ‘There arc currently 62 follows: 1 Ronge bap 26 Utirik 35 Sex/Ayge b) 14 22 Male adult +15 yrs. old Female adult >15 yrs. old Male children <15 yrs. old Female children <15 yrs. old Unidentifiable Same person extracted at different dates i c State —_— Good Permanent < . Bad (Decayed) Good pad (Decayed) Deciduous Location dq) e) Lower Jaw Teeth Upper Jaw Teeth Kind of ‘Teeth Incisor Canine Premolar Molar Wisdom Time and Date of Extraction Jan. 1977 9 June 1977 il Sept. Jan, L977 LOTY 1 36 Unidenliliable FS 8-B43-4709) { > (ALL from Rongelap) (All from Rongelap) QGrrom Bikini) (32 from Utirik)