NOV-@e-1938 14:12 FROM AMTS-DOE-NY TO DOE HaTRS EH-41 P.@4 measurements and later confirmed when the collected environmental samples were analyzed. The survey report issued by staff of FG&G who conducted the aerial portion of the Northern Marshalis Survey states that except for Bikini, Rongelap, and Rongerik Atolls, the island. average values of external radiation were essentially constant within each atoll. This indicates that no sharp gradients were observed in the radiation levels within these atolls. The islands and atolls along the southern edge of the survey area showed external radiation levels that are very low. The statement is made in this report that it would be difficult with standard survey instruments to measure the difference between radiation levels over water or over land for the southern atolls surveyed, namely, Ailik, Likiep, Wothe, and Ujelang. These atolls have terrestrial radiation levels lower than in the U.S. except that in the U.&. the radiation is due primarily to naturally occurring radioactivity, and that for these coral atolls is due to Cesium-137 from fallout. The Cesium-137 levels in soil of these atolls are comparable to, and consistent with, worldwide fallout levels. After reviewing the survey reports it was my view that we had surveyed the right islands and atolls, and that the geographic extent of the survey was about right, i.e. we had not surveyed islands and atolis that did not need é6urveying. I am sad that the survey I helped initiate produced a report that has received so much criticism and ridicule, and long ago tired of waging a losing battle against changing the way these survey results and radiological advice were presented in the Marshalls. The survey report was confusing because it presented estimates of risk and health effects in the next thirty years due te future exposures without saying anything about risks for exposures during the previous thirty years. It appeared that important results were being withheld and that the Marshallese were being required to make important health and safety judgements using piecemeal rick information. The report in reted hypothetical risk and heaith effects estimates too literally and pushed their usa in health and safety judgements too far. The practice of providing advice based on radiation standards was abandoned. This was a frightening development, particularly for the Rengelap people, some of whom received significant exposure in 1954. The Marshallese have yet to receive an explanation of how estimates of past and future exposures fit together into total exposure, how this total exposure may be evaluated, and how their chronic exposures (annual dose rates), past and future, compare with radiation protection BEG standards. 5004 110