NOV-@2-1992 14:12 FROM ANTS—DOENYU TO — DOE HOTRS EH~1 P.@3 Additional dose rate measurements were available in the scientific literature for a number of locations throughout the Trust Territory. These were obtained during visits by scientist using portable instruments. These data showed radiation levels in the rest of the Trust Territory no higher than would be expected from worldwide fallout. The object of the literature search was to identify those locations that most likely received the intermediate range fallout deposition from tests with the higher yields. We examined fallout patterns for all tests, but considering the distances between Bikini and Enewetak Atolls and other islands and atolls in the Marshalls and the large areas impacted by megaton yield tests, only tests with a yield above 100 kilotons gave fallout patterns of sufficient Gimensions that they could add any additional locations for this survey. While on this subject, I should point out that there was one series of tests where yields had not been published in the open literature at the time of this review. While fallout from the Redwing series was included in the evaluation of which atolls to survey, you will not find tests from this series listed in the Table we developed showing which tests may have impacted which atolls. See attachment. Out of this review thirteen islands and atolls were identified, all in the Northern Marshalls. These lie along a track East and West of the test atolis that is about 500 miles long. Why this would be so is due to efforts by the Joint Task Force conducting these tests to direct fallout away from populated areas. This would preclude selecting a shot day where meterological data indicated fallout would be carried to the South. Planning for a screening survey called for measurements to be made in each quadrant of an atoll, for the largest islands, and for any village island. Not every island in a atoll was included in the survey plan. In addition to aerial measurements, the survey included collection of environmental samples to support estimates of radiation exposure through food intake. The final reports of the survey issued by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory contained estimates of projected (future) radiation exposure for a resident population for the islands and atolls surveyed. My observations of the radiological data collected during the Northern Marshalls Survey, and I was a participant for the first leg or series of the survey, was that there were no rt surprises in the character of the measurements. It was expected that radiation levela would decrease with distance from the test atolls. This was observed in the aerial 5008104