sis eberline March 20, 1978 EI~916356 Roger Ray, Assistant Manager for Environment & Safety Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office P, 0. Box 14100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 Reference: PRE-ENEWETAK MEDICAL SCREENING: TERMINAL AND CHECK-IN WITH PASO CHECK-IN TIME AT THE MAC Dear Mr. Ray: Pre-assignment medical screening requirement has been met for the fol lowing EIC employees. We are enclosing copies of their certification for your files. Ernest A. Sanchez Merlyn D. Underwood Very truly yours, EBERLINE INSTRUMENT CORPORATION hELbv (G A. E. Doles Vice President AED: igs Encls. . hive hs gor eh pda VR ee INS q 0! 4 Ayo a3 foe gt (ful Abeeft ~ 9 eee R. F. an AM P & Bo na AAS EBERLINE INSTRUMENT CORPORATION. PO BOX 2108, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 878(1 SPN i TELEPHONE (505) 471-3232, TWX 910-985-0678