PRY VACY ACTT MaM rAeTpEayR REMOVE D MEDICAL EVALUATION This is to certify that I have determined that Eberline Instrument Corporation employee, has no unusual medical conditions or physical impairments that would limit his normal duties of employment. Base Line Blood Counts: White Cell with Differential MfWorma' Date 3 el 78 {7 Abnorma} 9 Has v0 mes S Signature Please type: Kael Mooedl MLD. Signature Name TTY Emin Street and No. olb. City Ww NM State WUE. 87173 Zip SBYS3-TI0l Telephone eae a hg apy | “ wo MigSpaUS SS * AFNorma) = Hemoglobin // Abnormal AL REMOVED PRIVACY ACT MATERI