


. Derry



Koril 20, 1950

conclusions into a hypothetical situation. These were that the
monitoring service within a strte or local civil defense organizvaticn
would be set up as a separate, specialized function divided into two
types of teams-—-Locel survey grouns and mobile groups which would be
able to make laboratory analyses of air, water and soil samoles. It
was agreed that all civil defense personnel including rescue soauads,
firemen, policemen, etc. as well as monitors, should be equipped with
the dosimeter described above. Also that the local monitor teams
should use the survey instrument with top-scale of 500 r; Gelger
counters would be used to make house-to-house surveys whenever such
surveys became possitle, probably some days after the actual explosion.
Campbell described a "field laborstory" presently under development by
the Armed Farces which will be mounted in trucks and equipped to do
alpha checks on air and water samples, etc. The group seemed to feel
that such mobile laboratories assigned to strategic coastal and other
areas would be sufficient in fairly small numbers for this tyre of

monitoring service.

The Mgure of 100 r for maximum permissible exposure under disaster

conditions was suggested by Dr. Andrews. This figure, it was agreed,
shovld not te released officially under any circumstances until agree~

ment of many competent people in the field had teen obtained.


pointed out that Or. Shields Warren and Generel Cooney should have an
opportunity to comment on this point before any action was taken which
would connote, officially or by inference, AEC participation in the
Others present stated also that Drs. Failla, Taylor,
Stafford Warren, and representrtives of the radiology professicn be

apprised and given opportunity to discurs this matter because of its
far-reaching implicctions and the probability of great consternction
if such a horrendous level were announced without any previous dis
The subject of masks and protective clothing was also discussed.
Sentiment was expressed both for and against the equipning of civil
defense personnel with masks, coveralls, helmets, gloves,


coverings, etc. The argument wasput forward that to emphasize these
measures for civil defence personnel while prescribing a maximum
permissible dose of 100 r was very inconsistent. Wo definite conclusion
was reached.
The last order of business was a discussion regarding formalization
of the group.
It was decided shat such a group would be of definite
value in civil defense planning and tha it would be established on a
more formal basis to include all of the agencies represented at this
meeting, plus the Bureau of Standards on a regular basis and other
agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, Federal Trade Commission,
etc., on a specialized basis when and if subjects were discussed on which
their opinions were desired. Accordingly, the NSRB will request by letter
to the heads of these agencies the appointment of regular members to the
working group, which ag yet bears no official name.


Select target paragraph3