14, BNL whote body counting data to Advisory Group. wants raw data, too. Action - T. McCraw 15, Letter to Advisory Group re accommodations in Hawaii and other details of Enewetak trip. Action - R. Ray 16. Workshop for Marshall Island program participants during January to May 1979.. Action - T. McCraw, R. Watters, and W. Weyzen 17. 18. Chet Richmond Copies of NV-140 to Thompson, Bair, Healy, Richmond, McClellan. Action R. Ray and/or T. McCraw DONE 6/26/78 Recommendations for specific research to be undertaken by DBER and DOE. (Suggestions are needed soon if work is to be Started in FY-79. Please send recommendations to Bair. Consider what information will be needed for refinement of dose assessment-particularly for the after-cleanup environment. } Action - Advisory Group COPY HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY BAIR The Advisory Group expressed the following concerns and urged that they be considered by DOE. 1. There does not appear to be adequate interaction among the several groups of scientisits working on the Marshall Islands program. There should be a scientific director integrating and assessing the entire Pacific effort. Should the issue of ocean burial of contaminated soils be reopened with EPA? Role of Advisory Group Hal Hollister asked the Advisory Group to expand its scope to include the whole Marshall Islands program. The Advisory Group agreed. of the 13-Atoll survey plan initiates the expanded scope. A review Hal Hollister also solicited advice on a technical coordinator/manager/director of Pacific efforts. TTT Te