What is DNA concern with respect to “action levels" for
subsurface contamination? Action - DOES
The Advisory Group recommends establishment of data banks by

LLL, BNL, NVO, DOES, and DBER, either separately or jointly.
The objective is to facilitate access by all the participants
in the Marshall islands program to all the Marshall Islands
program data. Action - LLL, BNL, NVO, DOES, and DBER
Assessment of the Enewetak survey and resettlement program

Action - Advisory Group

(What do we need to do this?)

Assessment of the 13-atoll] survey program
Action - Advisory Group (A revised plan is being sent Advisory
Group members by Tommy McCraw.
Comments are due by July 12 to
W. ‘i Bair who will prepare response to Hal Hollister by July
Revision of dose assessment report taking into account revised
concentration ratios of plutonium in foodstuffs, revised

estimates of diets, ingrowth of 241Am, reclassification of *4Am as
class W compound and revised GI tract absorption factors
recommended by the Advisory Group. These are the revised ICRP

values: 5 x 10 4 for transplutonium elements , 1 x 104 for
soluble plutonium and 1 x 10°° for insoluble plutonium.


W. Robison and V. Noshkin

Distribution to Advisory Group of copies of viewgraphs used at
May 2 meeting of DOES and DNA. Action - W. J. Bair

DONE 6/16/78

Distribution of copies of weekly DOE/ERSP status reports to
Bair, Templeton, Gilbert, Richmond, Auxier, Healy, McClellan,
and Wachholz. Action - Roger Ray
DONE 6/26/78


Assessment of costs/benefits of removing or not removing
buried radioactive contaminated material-on causeway between
Aoman and Bijire. Action - DOES


Air monitoring data from DNA for Advisory Group information.
Action - W. Robison will discuss informally with DNA, initially.


Soil volume data to Advisory Group based on 160 pCi/g at
half-hectare areas. Action - B. Church


Copies of McCraw memo re. EPA position on ocean dumping,


copies of Jim Liverman letter to Johnson on ocean dumping and
copies to DNA-EPA-ERDA meeting minutes on ocean dumping to
Advisory Group. Action - T. McCraw

IO108 by

Select target paragraph3