
Establish the broad objectives

‘As in Options A, B and C but with
atied emphasis on early detection and
treatment ot all significant diseases.
This option offers unequivocable
evidence of the true concern of the
U.:.‘for the comprehensive health care of
t': peoples of the islands contaminated
by the testing program.
fn addition, such a program would
aiiow us to develop a mucn more signi-

f'sant "health profile" of the

inorshallese to assist in the deter-


mination of petential radiation
tzLated pathological conditions.




Present levels of care


Restatement of refined
objectives in consideration
of restraints.

As in Options A, B and C — This opticn
exceeds the mandates of our present pregram and would be impossible withouc
an appreciable increase in funding.

As in Options A, B and C,
the restatement af objectives
will be dependent upon:

Existing Policy
As in Options A, B and € ~ In additior
in light of the recent (Gece. 12, 1978) °
DOE/DOI/DOD meeting on the status of the
peoples of Eniwetok and Bikini, it appears
that this option is the one favored by
the Under Secretary of the Interior
Mr. Joseph.


The definitions of the

role (moral/fiscal) of the
administrators of DOI and
DOE to carry through on che
statements of principal made
at the Oct. 12, 1978 - DOI/DOE/

Existing needs and demands
This option most closely meets the needs
and demauds of the Marshallese people and
their leaders.

DOD meeting in Washington, D.C.
concerning the status of the
peoples of Bikini and Eniwetok.
%I£ full health care responsibility is assumed - Option D

Projected needs and demands
Since this option provides adequate
health care for all currently and
potentially involved Marshallese, it

If limited health care
responsibility is the choice ~
some compromise between Options
C and D is indicated.

should meet all projected needs and déenaads
Planning at other levels

As in Options A, B and €

Existing facilities
As in Options A, B and C - A major expansion
of existing facilities would be necessary to

Support a medical program more than twice: the

needs no restatement.




Who: With the expansion of the

the medical staff - work
medical officers and the

patient population, it would
be wise ta set up (2) field
medical teams; (A) the BNL-

acute exposure study team
(covering vecples of Rongelap ' Utirik) and (B) the “low level"
study group - under contract ~

both supported by adequate-1°


care at Ebeye and Majuro-


Research based upo’ a £
system will provide opti
population of the Marsha]
of these only about 2,00(
The remaining
Option D.
the general improvement
primary centers, - but tl

As in Option C.

When: As in Options A, B and C.
As in Option C - plus

Total cost
Really impossible to d
However, based upon our
C) with a cumulative bud
to Option D shoul cost .
This option gives us t
examinations in the fiel
medical and transportati

Avoidance of untoward co
This option offers the

ment to the people.


image of U.S. in ail of

In addition, with the ne
might decide to fill the

physicians (with the goo
nuciear MD's might becom



As in Options A,B and


This is the optimun t*


A} The movemel

the Marshall Islands in

the health care deliver)
in this period of gener:
of Bikini and Eniwetok i
- to their very legitimats

The time is now optimum for DOE :- lisit of
DOI and Narshaliese scatements of needs.


Full directed data base,
Screening and follow-up of
pertinent findings in population
defined under “Objectives”

Least risk of a11 opti
then not honored.

IV Analysis of "dow" for manpower requirements.


Performance or resuits

trained physicians at Majuro and

Manpower (13)
As in Options A, B and C. = Please see Section

opt bon

Set forth the criteria fo

terms of:

Ebeye - supported by paramedical personnel, Physician
Assistants and nurse

A cost study would need to be instituted as
soon as possible to determing the curren: and
future costs of such a program (please sve
section V Selection Criteria) -— under "Total

DemocrannicPooularion Characteristics

VY. Selection Criteri

Develop possible approaches to
attaining the objectives, with
each approach being stated in

teams plus at least 2 U.S.


ona ean ee
“S$ i
boanmd C - The ary
cavere: .tLL be cuch mare than devi? 2 4. this


added manpower to support 2 Field

present effort.




Tie ne emu ree aor


ALL radiation related diseases in the exposed and control
por ulations plus full screening of all inhabitants now
living (er scheduled to be repatriated to} Marshall Islands contaminated by ato
n ic fallout




Select target paragraph3