advised his constituents to refuse U.S. compensation payments
because he interpreted the payments to be a final settlement

for all future claims.

We feel the leaders realize the

possibility of the potential closing or significant reduction
in the government investment in Kwajalein, which is their
major financial base.

Therefore, they will probably demand

continued reparations for their land and people.

Due to the wide dispersion of the islands (atolls) and people,

transportation for the medical team, as well as for the
economy, becomes of primary importance.

Little is beingdone


to_solve thisproblem.

Communications among the widely-scattered islands is nonexistent or poor at best.

This results in a fractionation of

the people, poor flow of information, reliance on rumor, and
little or no health care in emergency situations.

The solutions

to these problems are technologically very simpleandrelatively

Yet somehow they have not been implemented.

High volume screening of patients for specific data has
become a highly-specialized area.

Improvements can be made

in screening facilities and methodologies, and these are


The recent repatriation of the people of Bikini, who were noted
to be accumulating an increased body burden of 137cesium,



Select target paragraph3