C. W. Shilling, M.D.


October 30, 1958

III. Rehoboth oceanographic survey. This program was designed to
follow the distribution of radioactivity in water, plankton and fish
following a Hardtack event. Hydrographic data to accompany the radiobiological data were provided by ONR and the Hydrographic Office.
Sea water monitoring was carried on by the Naval Medical Research
Institute and was supported by an AEC contract. All of the objectives
were not attained because of contamination fromother tests both before
and after the event being studied. The Rehoboth is a Hydrographic
Office vessel.
IV. Collete oceanographic survey. The Collete survey was of the
restricted area established for the Hardtack series. As the Hardtack
program in the Pacific came to an umexpected early close the plans
for the post test survey were moved forward nearly a month. , Information on the radioactivity of plankton and of water by depth and by
station was radioed from ship to Eniwetok and relayed to Gordon

Dunning for the evaluation of hazard.

In general, the activity

increased from southeast to northwest, the levels of highest activity
being found north of Bikini and Eniwetok and somewhat to the west.
The Collete is a U.S. Navy Destroyer.

V. Silverstein oceanographic survey. The Silverstein survey was an
extension of the Collete survey from the restricted area westward to
Guam, a distance of about 1100 miles from the Pacific Test Site. In
addition to collecting samples of water, plankton and fish, work
aboard ship included beta counting and gamma ray spectroscopy of a
limited number of samples. The levels of radioactivity were similar
to the levels observed in the 1956 Marsh survey that was made at
relatively the same time in relation to the testing period. However,
in 1958 radioactive samples were collected somewhat farther to the
westward, A “hot spot™ that was observed during the Collete survey
was believed to have been observed during the Silverstein survey 30
days later at a point 240 miles farther to the westward, a rate of
advance of about 7.3 miles per day.

The Silverstein is a U. S. Navy

VI. Off test-site atolls. In addition to samples from Eniwetok,
Bikini and Rongelap samples of natural food items have been obtained
at outlying atolls where weather stations had been established.
These include Wotho, Kapingamarangi, Ujelang, Ponape, Utirik and
Tarawa. From these samples information, either positive or negative,
on the geographical distribution of fallout may be obtained.

Dr. Dunham

Dr. Dunning
Dr. Boss
Dr. Seymour


Select target paragraph3