not yet available. The body burdens estimated above are far below the maximum
permissible levels; Cesium"? is about 16 per cent and Zinc® about 10 per cent
of their respective maximum permissible levels for non-industrial populations.

In Figure 10
to Rongelap.
on the island

the increase in body levels of isotopes is shown in the gamma
of a Rongelap man before (1957) and 20 months after returning
The background radiation resulting from residual contamination
presently averages about 0.04 mr/hr which represents a dose of

about 350 mr/yr.

Present Status

It is apparent that the Rongelap people have recovered fromthe acute effects

of their radiation exposure and the examinations now emphasize detection of
possible late effects of irradiation about which little is known in man. No acute

effects have been observed related to the internal absorption of radionuclides
and late effects are not expected, due either to their initial intake or to subsequent low levels acquired from living on the slightly contaminated island of

However, the habitation of these people on the island
unity for a most valuable radiation ecological study. Since
of radioisotopes are necessary for detection with present
equipment, the several radioisotopes present on the island

affords the opportonly small amounts
sensitive measuring
can be traced from

the soil through the food and into the human being where tissue and organ
distributions, biological half lives and excretion rates can be studied.

A medical survey of the Marshallese people in March 1959, five years after

exposure to fallout radiation, showed that the people had recovered from the

acute effects of their radiation exposure and appeared to be generally in good
health. The following specific statements can be made in regard to their radiation health status:

1. No illnesses or diseases were found that could be directly associated with

acute radiation effects.
2. One case of cancer and three deaths have occurred, but with no direct
relation to radiation effects.
3. Fertility does not appear to have been affected. The incidence of miscarriages and stillbirths appears to be somewhat higher than in the unexposed

Marshallese, but a deficiency of vital statistics precludes definite conclusions as
to whether or not this is a radiation effect.


Select target paragraph3