Chapter 5--HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DOME Function of the Dome +2 Radionuclides in the Dome wVuUWuU ww in 5.1 3 4 25 -6 -7 25 Transuranics in the Surrounding Environment 26 27 27 238 Structure 29 Structure 31 32 33 Comparisons with Other Locations Transuranics in Marine Poods Dome Breachment Hazards Associated with Leaching from the Contdginment 5.8 Hazards Associated with Breaching of the Contajnment 5.9 Summary 5.10 References Chapter 6-~OTHER ISSUES 6.1 Runit Island 6.2 Enjebi Island 6.3 References 35 35 36 37 APPENDIX A ESTIMATED 30~YEAR INTEGRAL DOSE VS. RATE OF RENOBLTZATION FROM DOME 39 APPENDIX B 41 BIOGRAPHICAL SKET’.:'S OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS iv