-39) 1 cian 2 | REPORT DOCUMENTATION |1. REPORT wo. PAGE 3% Recipies’: Accession Ne. & Repert Marchgi982 Evaluation of Enewetak Radioactivity Containment é 7. Author(s) AGVisory Board on the Built Environment Committee on Evaluation of Enewetak Radioactivity Containment &. Pertormizg Orgeeizsticn Ree. No. m. retenres Unit te. 9%. Performing Organization Name end Address National Research Council Advisory Board on tne Built Environment 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, DC 20418 | 11. ol or Grant(G) ia. (© DNAOB2-80—C-0011 oe 12. Sponsoring Organizetion Neme and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Caerec i Final Defense Nuclear Agency 6801 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 22310 1%. Supplementary Notes %, 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Between 1948 and 1958 the Enewetak Atoli in the Marshall Islands was the site of 4= the study concentrated on two issues: (1) the potential hazard of tranfuranics beig transported to the surrounding environment from the structure, and (2) sequence of events that would affect the structure's physical integrity] the possible and the radio— active hazards that would result from breachment of the dome. : The commllttee"s report concludes that the containment structure presents no health hazard to the Enewetak zeopife The committee went on to recommend periodic inspfctiom of the now or in the future. Runit Island, on which the dome is situated, was found to be un fe dme to highly dome. In additim, toxic plutonium particles in the soil and was piaced off-limits forever] the committee examined the possible radiation hazard on nearby Enjebi Ifland, a potertiaa— 17. Document Anatysis a. Descriptors ceeae reeee ee te fespomding to the= nuclear explosions, part of the government's nuclear testing program. demands of the Enewetak people, the government in 1972 decided to rehab itate the atoll many of the In the cleanup process, radiologically contaminated soil and debris fr atoll's ‘slands were placed in a massive, domed concrete containment stfucture buiit owe== | In order to provide the peopl® of =newets& amc one of the bomb craters on Runit Island. the Marshallese Goverrment with an objective assessment of the containmfat structure's safety, the Defense Nuclear Agency asked the Advisory Board on the Builf Environment of The committee appoigted to conduct the National Research Council to study the matter. reskttlement sit2. nuclear weapons, nuclear testing program,- radiological cleanup, radioacfivity, uranics, plutonium, nuclear hazards, nuclear waste containment structur trans- b. identifiers /Open-Ended Terms DNA, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall I: lands, Cactus Crater, Runit Island, Enjpbi Island, WE j ! wltee Ue AEE eR cree Lange pe 2 SRAG 20 4263 P 4. Title end Subtitle c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availepil vatlebllity Ste temen: This report has been approved for public sale; its distribution is unlimited. (See ANS!-Z39.18) ecified Report) 21. me. of Pag 20. Security Ctass (This Page) 22. Price * See Inetrvctions on Reverse + unclassified j | ' j OPTSRMAL FOU ZT2 (4-77; (Wormearty NTIS-22 Depestment of Conmercen