the “Yagasaki A-homh Museum, and to Dr. Shunzo Okajima, Director of
the Atomic Nisease Institute of the Nagasaki University School of


The Committee acknowledges with appreciation the efforts of the
Department of State, and the assistance of Deputy Assistant Secretarv
for Territorial Affairs, Mr, Stanley S. Carpenter, and the Department
of the Interior for assistance rendered to the Committee in coordinating the participation of the doctors from Japan and Fngland with
the Brookhaven survey team,
Deserving special thanks is Jesse Il.

Steinfeld, M.D., former

Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service for his
offers of assistance to the Committee.

Snecial thanks are also due

to Dr, William S. Cole, Associate Nirector of the Bureau of Radiological Health who was assiqned to work with the Committee as consultant
by Dr.


The Committee is also indebted to Dr. Cole and the

U.S, Public health Service for its assistance in having certain
materials of the Committee translated from Japanese into Fnglish,
and for the pamphlets and vublications made available to the Committee through the kindness of Pr. Cole.

The Committee would like here to acknowledge its disappointment
with two agencies of the United States Government; namely the Devartment of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission for their
lack of cooperation and interest in the Committee's work,

While it

should be stated that the AEC has been cooperative to some extent


Select target paragraph3