175 rads and the Utirikese,


much as



September 16,

with one of the island leaders.
question of compensation.

answer was,


[It was noted that this was only the second tine thev


The people,

it was noted, are not asked

there is food,

so we go.''

Was there enough food, he was

"No, not enough.”

September 18,

the Committee met with Dr. Conard in the

He explained that there were some people from Rongelap and Utirik

who would be traveling on the ship because of "general medical findings” and
wno would be treated in Majuro.

He stated that there were no new findings

since the last complete survev in 1969 (of Utirik).
general sanitation on the islands was poor,

He also added that

that the health aide was short of

medicine (there was not even aspirin on “ajuro, he noted), and that Dr. Fzra
Riklon was trving to implement a procedure of having a standardized list of
drugs which could be checked on every

field trip.

The Committee then discussed several matters with Dr. Conard.
He was asked

if he


that Dr.

two weeks on Rongelap and Utirik.

Knudsen would he able to stay one or

Dr. Conard noted that Knudsen would be

traveling to the islands on the field trip ship and would look at the people
for radiation and other problems.

continue this program.


The question was asked if they liked the parties and the

The reply was,

On Monday,

the Committee met informally

The discussion centered primarily around the

were to have a party with the team.
thev want the partv.


He was asked if AEC or Brookhaven could

Pr. Conard said he doubted it, since it would he


eeee, eeee||

On the next day,



in a normal



receive as

i a.aeons


‘fany people in the U.S., he said,

Select target paragraph3